ElectroCoat Client References – Indiana
Testimonials On Electrostatic Painting, School Locker Painting, Repair and Refurbishment
Below is just a sample of the good things people are saying about ElectroCoat’s professional service and craftsmanship.
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October 28, 2019
Just got back to town today and checked out the lockers. They look great and the Lexan plates are doing the job.
Thanks again,
Donnie Bowsman, Superintendent
Randolph Southern School Corporation
1 Rebel Drive
Lynn, IN 47355Jul 17, 2017
To Tom DormanHi Tom,
Lockers look fantastic, thank you!
Our board meets once a month and just met last Monday so this will be on the claims for our August 14th board meeting. Please let me know if that will cause an issue.
Sam was great to work with, by the way!
Thank you,
DanDan L. Foster, Ed.S.
Eastern Pulaski Community School Corporation
711 School Drive
Winamac, IN 46996